We provide branded short URLS and QR codes for use in digital and print marketing materials. Request a Branded Short URL
Why use a branded short link?
I'm sure you've seen ugly short links with unpronounceable URs in various locations.
For example “bit.ly/h7Ky2” or “tinyurl.com/7Nn3o.”
A branded shortlink not only gives you more space for including content in social media posts; it also helps to drive brand recognition and awareness.
Unlike generic shortened links (like bit.ly or goo.gl), we recommend using a link that incorporates the NMSU name, associating your department or organinzation with the content you share. This helps to reinforce brand awareness and increase our brand recognition.
Every branded short URL is also trackable. If you're curious about your branded short URL analytics, let us know, we'd be more than happy to provide a analytic report.