Training Process

Training on how to access and use Cascade CMS, is now available online. This requires reviewing the Basic Training Guide and taking a verification quiz.

Who Needs to Take the Training

Basic training is mandatory for new web editors of sites in Cascade CMS. Participants will be guided through the essentials of the content management system, including, an overview of the CMS, explanation of common terms, navigating through the CMS, and creating content utilizing the new theme 4v1.1.

Please note: If you are a current Cascade CMS site editor or administrator, we have developed two online Cascade CMS refresher training modules. The refresher modules are a condensed version of our basic training that primarily focuses on the new features of the new theme and the cascade interface. 


Steps to Complete Basic Training

We have a “practice” training site in Cascade that you can use while they you are working through the training process. If you would like access to the "practice" site in the CMS, complete the access form. Access is usually granted within 48 hours.
  1. Register for the Cascade 101: Basic Training course in TrainingCentral.
  2. Review the  Basic Training Guide for an overview of the essentials of Cascade CMS. It is designed as a compliment to the online training module. The Basic Training Guide is organized chronologically and can be used as a reference.

You can use the "practice" training site (in the CMS) as a sandbox to test your knowledge. You are encouraged, but not required, to build a home page and a standard interior page in the test-pages folder. Use your name for the folder name inside of the test-pages folder. Feel free to include images and lorem ispum (fake text) as your page content.

After you have passed the assesment in the Cascade 101 course, you can complete the Cascade User Request form if you are requesting access to an existing sites or the Cascade site request form for a new site.

Once this assessment has been recorded and reviewed your access will be granted, usually within 48 hours upon receipt of the form submission.